My story

Why did I study Data Science after working in Finance?

As someone with a strong interest in finance and economics, I have always been fascinated by the complexities of global markets and economies. At the same time, my curiosity about the potential for artificial intelligence to transform industries and drive innovation has led me to explore this field in depth. I believe that the intersection of finance, economics, and artificial intelligence holds immense potential for shaping the future of business and society as a whole.

Things I Can Do

Combining my 11 years of experience in finance with my education in Data Science has given me a solid foundation of knowledge in both fields, allowing me to explore the exciting ways in which technology and finance intersect.

  • Python and Pytorch
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Computer Vision
  • Data visualization
  • Portfolio Management
  • CFA Designation

A Few Accomplishments

An overview of my previous work, which includes an interview about investing and ESG and a publication about Alzheimer's disease prediction using ML. Most of these works have been written in german.

Gewusst wie: Nachhaltiges Anlegen & worauf es dabei ankommt

Das eigene Vermögen nachhaltig investieren - das ist heute der Wunsch von vielen Anlegerinnen und Anlegern. Ein Interview.

Alzheimer Diagnostics using Biomarkers

Can ML be used to predict Alzheimer's disease? We used different techniques on the ADNI dataset. One of our results has been published in Sleep.

Computer Vision and image classification

Playing with Pytorch different CNNs to find the best ways to classify CIFAR10.

Mount Everest in a Data Sicence portfolio?

If were wondering why I put an image of Mount Everst in the header: Trekking is one of my hobbies. I absolutely love being outdoors and trekking is an impressive way to see countries and meet new people.
I took this image on my first of three treks in the Himalayas.

Interested in learning more about me?

If you're interested in connecting, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn as I prefer not to publish my email publicly to avoid receiving spam messages.